SAP Program RFWMAN00 - Multi-Level Dunning of Bill of Exchange Requests

With the report, you can dun outstandingbill of exchange paymentrequests with a multi-level dunning procedure. This report isrelevant for France.
The procedure for bill of exchange payment requests is as follows:

  • A bill of exchange form was sent to the customer for acceptance first.
  • This transaction is entered by the posting of the noted item "Bill ofexchange payment request". The invoices and credit memos which shouldbe paid by the bill of exchange are indicated with the document numberof the bill of exchange payment request.
    • The bill of exchange is posted during incoming bill of exchange and the
    • noted item is cleared.
      If the bill of exchange does not arrive, a reminder can be sent. Thedunning notice is created with this report. The report uses the form"F_RFWMAN00_10" as a default for this.

      The report creates the dunning notices and the logs for the dunningtransaction.
      Via the parameter input "Reference number in the dunning notice", youcan control whether the reference number also appears in the form.If this output is required but in the document, however, there isno reference number, the output of the empty field is suppressed.
      The report also creates a dunning log. The log contains all bill ofexchange payment requests for which a dunning notice is due. However,either only one log or only the dunning notices can be created. If youwould like both, it is necessary to start the report several times.
      If such bill of exchange payment requests which are no longer dunnedbecause of days overdue are also to be output in the log, the parameter"Overdue BoE. in the log" controls this. The bills of exchange whichhave already been dunned three times are indicated with "O". Thosewhich already exceeded the due date for bill of exchange minus thetolerance are marked with "X". The respective dunning level is beforeall normal dunnings.
      (dunning date - due date the requirement - tolerance)
      Aux. value = -----------------------------------------------------
      Dunning cycle
      The dunning level is determined by rounding the auxiliary value to aninteger. In the same manner, the dunning level is determined at thedate of the last dunning run. That the old and new dunning levels arenot identical, that is, that the dunning level has meanwhile increased,is a requirement for a further dunning notice.

      For the output of the dunning notices in SAPscript a correct form mustbe defined if you do not use the standard form. Text literals andlayout can be defined freely in this case. The user must limit himselfto the following output fields concerning the globals:
      KNA1-ANRED,,15,,form of address
      KNA1-NAME1,,35,,name 1 of the vendor
      KNA1-NAME2,,35,,name 2 of the vendor
      KNA1-STRAS,,35,,street and house number
      KNA1-PSTLZ,,10,,postal code
      RFPDO-WMANLAUFD ,,10,,date of the dunning run
      BSID-XBLNR,,18,,reference number
      BSID-BELNR,,10,,document number of the request
      BSID-GSBER,, 4,,business area
      BSID-UMSKZ,, 1,,special G/L indicator
      RFKHELP-BELDT,, 8,,document date of the request
      RFKHELP-ANFAE,, 8,,due date for
      ,,,,bill of exchange payment request
      RFKHELP-ZFBDT,, 8,,due date of the bill of exchange
      ,,,,(payment period baseline date)
      BSID-WAERS,, 5,,currency
      BSID-DMBTR,,16,,amount in local currency

      The output is carried out in the following formats:

      • dunning notice:,,,,65 lines,,80 characters

      • Log:,,,,,,65 lines,,132 characters
      • Sorting the log:
        Sorting is done as follows:

        • dunning level

        • allocation number

        • reference number

        • document number

        • business area

        • special G/L indicator

        • document date

        • payment period baseline date

        • due date for bill of exchange payment request

        • currency

        • amount
        • Example
          Calculation of the dunning level:
          due date of arrival of the bill of exchange:,,03/01/1993
          due date of the bill of exchange:,,,,,,,,06/01/1993
          last dunning notice:,,,,,,,,,,03/15/1993
          Current dunning date:,,,,,,,,03/29/1993
          dunning cycle:,,,,,,,,,,14 days
          Tolerance according to request due date:,,,,10 days
          Tolerance before bill of exchange due date,,,,,,15 days
          A dunning notice is sent if the current dunning date is smaller thanthe due date minus grace periods.
          Dunning date (03/29/1993) < (06/01/1993 - 15 days)
          It will still be dunned.
          Calculation of the current dunning level:
          (03/29/1993 - (03/01/1992 + 10 days)
          ------------------------------------ = 1.27
          This results in dunning level "2".
          Calculation of the last dunning level:
          (03/15/1993 - (03/01/1992 + 10 days)
          ------------------------------------ = 0.27
          This results in dunning level "1".
          The dunning level has meanwhile increased, that is, it is dunned withdunning level "2".