SAP Program RFWERE00A - Analyze GR/IR Clearing Accounts and Display Acquisition Tax

This program analyzes the GR/IR clearing accounts at a specified keydate, and generates adjustment postings where required. These arenecessary to correctly display the following accounting transactions inthe financial statements:

  • Goods that have been delivered but not yet invoiced

  • Goods that have been invoiced but not yet delivered

  • The program selects all the items from a GR/IR clearing account thatare open at the key date. If the balance of the open items per ordernumber and item in local currency is not zero, adjustment postings arecreated for these items in a batch input session. If the balance is acredit balance, the transaction is "delivered, not invoiced", if thebalance is a debit balance, the transaction is "invoiced, notdelivered".
    The adjustment postings are generated per company code, GR/IR clearingaccount, reconciliation account, and business area. All the postingsare reversed on the reverse posting date specified. If no date isentered, the program reverses the postings on the day after the keydate.
    An additional processing option is the foreign currency valuation. Thishowever only takes items posted in foreign currency into account if noinvoice has been received. These items are then transferred to a targetaccount as in the above procedure. A foreign currency posting at theexchange rate on the key date is also generated. This posting is madeto a separate target account. The foreign currency valuation is usedfor Joint Venture.
    Note: You can carry out the foreign currency valuation for ordersdelivered, but not invoiced directly using the open item foreigncurrency valuation.
    If you use parallel local currencies, the balance in the first localcurrency determines the transaction. If the balance in the first localcurrency is zero, the transaction key is determined from the parallelcurrency.
    In addition, acquisition tax for goods delivered, but notinvoiced can be displayed and posted. Only goods receipts that wereposted for acquisition tax by the key date are considered. These goodsreceipts are balanced with the invoice receipts up to the key date forthe evaluation of the GR/IR clearing account. If for example, a goodsreceipt from January 1993 has not been, or has only partly been clearedat the key date for the evaluation of the GR/IR clearing account inFebruary 1993, the acquisition tax is posted for the remaining balance.
    You can reduce the amount of the acquisition tax to be reported byusing two different key dates. In the example, the goods receipts fromFebruary are not used, since you assume that more invoices will bereceived soon.
    You have to enter the tax code for the acquisition tax.
    For the acquisition tax, a line item with the acquisition tax code, andan item with a 0% rate tax code is created in a tax-relevant interimaccount. This means that the amounts in the interim account balance tozero. The debit posting is generated with the tax code of the GR/IRitem, and the credit posting is generated with an input tax code (taxrate 0%). These postings trigger the correct tax postings for theacquisition tax.
    The acquisition tax is posted per company code and business area. Thepostings are reset at the reverse posting date.
    In some countries, the input tax on goods delivered, but not yetinvoiced can also be deducted (for example, France). If this tax is tobe calculated and posted, the adjustment account in the master (forexample, 191199), must permit input tax postings. The tax is calculatedper GR invoice, the posting is carried out using a collective tax codethat you enter with the program. The tax calculated can then be postedto a separate account. If no input tax code can be determined, theposting is made using the "Input tax code with 0% tax rate".

    For the adjustment postings, you need an account to make transferpostings for the transactions of the GR/IR clearing account. Youdisplay this account together with the GR/IR clearing account in afinancial statement item. You also need two additional accounts, to beable to display the transactions "delivered, not invoiced", and"invoiced, not delivered" in the financial statements. The accountnumbers must be defined in the system. Check whether this prerequisitehas been fulfilled and specify the numbers if necessary.
    For the acquisition tax posting, you need an interim account that ismarked as tax-relevant. Specify the number of the interim account inthe program run.

    Output in line item display:

    • Batch input postings identifier

    • List of missing purchase order items

    • List of missing table entries

    • If you also want to output a microfiche line, the following is outputin the variable part of the item:
      • Company code

      • GR/IR clearing account

      • Reconciliation account

      • Affiliated companies group indicator

      • Assignment

      • The acquisition tax postings are listed sorted according to tax codes.

        Goods receipt 100 USD (170 DEM) to GR/IR account 191100. The followingpostings are possible:
        1) Posting in local currency - transaction "delivered, not invoiced"
        Adjustment account (191199) to target acct(191101) 100 USD 170 DEM
        The GR/IR account and the adjustment account therefore balance to
        2) Foreign currency valuation - transaction "delivered, not invoiced"
        First posting as 1)
        Adjustment account (191199) to target account(191101) 100 USD 170DEM
        At the posting date, exchange rate, 1,80 DEM per USD
        Transaction foreign currency posting (JV9).
        Adjustment account (191101) to target account(191105) 100 USD 180DEM
        Note that in the second posting, the target account of the local
        currency posting is used as the adjustment account.
        3) Goods receipt with tax - transaction "delivered, not invoiced'
        Goods receipt 100 USD Tax V1.
        Adjustment account (191199) 100 USD
        Tax account (154099) 15 USD to
        Target account (191101) 115 USD tax code V1
        4) Goods receipt with acquisition tax - transaction "delivered, not
        Goods receipt 100 USD Tax E1.
        Interim account (1750xx) 100 USD Tax code E1
        Interim account (1750xx) -100 USD Tax code V0
        Tax on sales/pur.(175000) -15 USD
        Input tax (154000) 15 USD