SAP Program RFWEKO01 - Extended Bill of Exchange Information

Extended bill of exchange information
RFWEKO01 contains all open bills of exchange. Additionally you can, ifrequired (X - cleared bills), also display the bills of exchange whichwere already cleared. Specifically, it contains the G/L accounts "Billsof exchange receivable" and "Bills of exchange payable". It isparticularly useful for monitoring the dates of all bill of exchangetransactions. The report gives - separated by bills of exchangereceivable and bills of exchange payable - an overview of all importantbill of exchange data.

Enter the numbers of the bill of exchange payable accounts or the billof exchange receivable accounts in the G/L account fields, for example,180000 for bills of exchange payable or 125000 for bills of exchangereceivable according to the GKR chart of accounts in Germany.Specifying a matchcode is also possible, for example, =S. bill ofexchange receivable (selection of the G/L accounts "bill of exchangereceivable") or =S. bill of exchange payable (selection of the G/Laccounts "bill of exchange payable" ).
Basically it is possible to activate the line item display in theselection screen ( X - With line items). After displaying the basiclist (sorting by G/L account and document number), sorting by thefollowing criteria is possible:

  • by usage

  • by commitment bank account number

  • by due date

  • by customer account number

  • by vendor account number

  • You can branch into the document's bill of exchange line tiems bypicking up on one of the line items.
    If a line item display is not required on the selection screen, youfirst of all receive the group level totals depending on the respectivesorting. By means of 'PF02' (Choose), this subtotal can be split upinto your line items. By pressing PF02 again, you come back into thedocument display.

    The following is displayed for each bill of exchange:
    Document number, document type, customer number or vendor number, billof exchange usage, commitment bank account number, bill of exchange duedate, date of issue of the bill of exchange, payment method, localcurrency, amount in local currency, document currency, amount indocument currency.