SAP Program RFWEKO00 - Bill of Exchange List

Bill of exchange list
The bill of exchange list contains all open bills of exchange. You canalso display cleared bills of exchange in the list by selecting the"Cleared bills of exchange" parameter.

Enter the numbers of the bill of exchange payable accounts or the billof exchange receivable accounts in the fields for the G/L accounts.

The following is displayed per bill of exchange:
Document number, bill of exchange due date, posting date, bill ofexchange issue date, bill of exchange usage indicator, bill of exchangeusage date, document number of the discount document and the amount.
In addition the following are displayed:

  • for the customer or vendor: account number, name and city

  • for the bill of exchange issuer: name and city

  • for the bill of exchange drawee: name and city

  • for the domicile bank: name

  • for the state central bank location: name

  • for the bank: number and name