SAP Program RFVWXSEC - TRTMPM: XPRA to convert VWPANLA-ISIN to a secondary index

TRTMSE 3.0F: Treasury application- Treasury Management - Securities
Conversion report for field VWPANLA-RISIN in a secondary index.
The report converts the international securities ID numbers (ISIN),entered for each security in the securities master, to a separatesecondary index. It also enters the ISIN value for each security inthis secondary index.
If you cannot execute the conversion report successfully, then youcannot access the ISIN numbers maintained for the securities concerned.You can, however, continue processing securities. The dataset continuesto be consistent. The ISIN numbers are not lost but can be convertedagain a later date. The system only converts those numbers which werepreviously not successfully converted. You can execute the conversionreport again at any time in order to subsequently convert the ISINnumbers.

Potential problems:
With an extremely large data volume, in other words, approximately over10,000 securities per product type, the amount of data to be processedwithin an update run can be too great.