SAP Program RFVWXKOF - TRTMSE: XPRA for Predefined Field 'Payment Transaction' in T033F-EIGR3

Treasury application - Treasury Management - Securities TRTMSE:Conversion report for account determination for securities for Release3.0F1:
The account determination for securities includes the key field'Payment activity' from Release 3.0F1, which determines whether and howto make postings to customer accounts. This field is stored in tableT033F in EIGR3. Up to Release 3.0F1 this field was empty (SPACE) orfilled with an 'X', if customer account postings were already made forRelease 2.2. From Release 3.0F1 the default value for 'no customeraccount postings' is '+'. This conversion report writes a '+' in theentries for account determination for securities, where there is notalready an 'X'. The application key for account determination forsecurities is 0102.
If the conversion report is not carried out successfully, you cannotmaintain the entries for account determination for securitiescorrectly, since no valid entry appears in the 'Payment activity'field.
If an error occurs, you have to execute the conversion report again.