SAP Program RFVWXFI1 - TR-TM-SE: Conversion report SEC posting document in posted flows

Treasury Management Securities: TR-TM-SE

Report RFVWXFI1 generates new securities posting documents for allpostings made prior to Release 4.0A.
Securities posting documents were introduced with Release 4.0A and areused as a reference to postings made from the securities subledger tothe general ledger in FI. Securities posting documents refer to an FIdocument and, if a posting has been reversed, to the FI reversaldocument.
The subsequent generation of securities posting documents makes asignificant improvement to the navigation options between thesecurities subledger and the general ledger in FI. You can only fullyutilize the navigation and evaluation options of the securities postingjournal if you have generated securities posting documents subsequentlyfor all flows existing before Release 4.0A.
Securities posting documents are the basis for future developments inthe area of the securities posting interface.
SAP therefore recommends that you use this report to generatesecurities posting documents for all existing posted flows!


  • The FI postings already made will not be affected in any way when the
  • securities posting document is generated!
    • When you subsequently generate securities posting documents using
    • report RFVWXFI1, this activity runs entirely independently of newpostings made in everyday operating business. The system automaticallygenerates securities posting documents for these new postings. See theRelease Note on this subject for Release 4.0A. You can execute reportFVWXFI1 at any time (see below) and it is NOT a prerequisite for makingnew postings.
      • You can execute the report as often as you want, even for the same
      • selection parameters. No inconsistencies will arise and the dataaffected will be converted only once.

        Impact on Customizing
        Under certain circumstances, report RFVWXFI1 may create new numberrange intervals for number range object FVVW_PODOC (document numbersfor securities posting documents) for previous fiscal years.

        Recommendations for executing the report
        SAP recommends that you execute the report at a time when no otherusers are using the securities module within Treasury. You shouldschedule the report as an overnight background job.

        Time required to run the report
        The time required depends on the volume of your data. You should baseyour assumptions on the following estimates: For every 1000 records intable VWBEKI (securities flow headers) you should allow approximatelyhalf a minute. If there is a large number of reversed flows, you shouldallow more time.
        You can limit your selections to one company code and a few security IDnumbers to work out an example of the time your system takes. You canthen work out the time required for all your data.

        Possible error messages

        • Error in number allocation FVVW_PODOC (company code) (fiscal year):

        • No new securities posting document numbers can be assigned from numberrange interval FVVW_PODOC for this company code and fiscal year.Normally, the report automatically generates the number range intervalsrequired. If this is not possible, you should define the requirednumber range yourself in Customizing as follows:
          Securities -> Transaction and Position Management -> Functions ->Accounting -> Basic Settings -> Define number ranges for securitiesposting documents
          Number range securities posting document
          • Error: Number range object FVVW_PODOC is blocked!:

          • You are blocking number range interval maintenance for securitiesposting document numbers in another transaction. You should exit theother transaction and execute the report again.
            • If any other error messages appear, contact SAP directly via OSS,
            • quoting the report name and the exact wording of the error message.