SAP Program RFVVRLZ1 - Remaining Term Statistics

The report is never started directly but via another report. The startreport for the securities area is called RFVWRLZ0.

The KZ indicator shows that a bond has reached final maturity.
1. The book values are only displayed in local currency:
They are only displayed in local currency. If all securities for a G/Laccount number/an account assignment reference have been printed, atotals line is displayed showing the total of all stocks in localcurrency.
All the totals lines from the previous pages are printed out again onthe last page.
2. The book values are additionally displayed in position currency:
They are displayed in position currency for every ID number in a G/Laccount/an account assignment reference and then in local currency onthe line directly underneath. If all securities have been displayed fora G/L account, the totals line specifies the total of all stocks inlocal currency. The totals for each position currency item aresubsequently displayed in position and local currency.
All totals lines from the previous pages are printed again on the finalpage.