SAP Program RFVSOZI0 - Determine Special Interest

Report program RFVSOZI0 calculates special interest for the mostoverdue items of a loan on the basis of the remaining investment. Thecalculations are controlled via the table TDSOZ - Special interestindicators.
You enter the first dunning level which interest is to be calculatedfor in the 'Dunn.Lev' field. No special interest calculation is carriedout for lower dunning levels. The specified grace days are granted forthis first dunning level to which interest calculations apply, but notfor higher dunning levels.
Each special interest calculation is based on the days entered in thepayment period field plus the days the item is overdue. When you carryout the next special interest run, this date is the starting point forcalculating the additional interest. If the special interest amountdetermined is less than the minimum interest amount, dunning chargesare levied for the minimum interest amount.
You need to create a dunning procedure in which no interest iscalculated by the dunning program itself. Instead, special interest anddunning charges appear as open items.

Maintain table TDSOZ - Special interest indicators
Enter a special interest indicator in the loan condition additionaldetails field.