SAP Program RFVI_VITAXD_SHOW - Analysis of VITAXD (Installed Base Maintenance)

The report creates a list of all documents that were posted with thetax code. The list contains any potential breakdown document numbersfor each document.
The report should simplify the processing of problems relating to inputtax distribution. It processes entries from VITAXD and displays thenumber of the source document and the number of the breakdown document.

You can limit the selection by company code, source posting, RE objector breakdown posting.
You must specify the company code for the selection. It is possible toselect only by company code. Alternatively, cou can limit theselection by source document, RE object, or breakdown posting.

For each entry in VITAXD, a document number of the input taxdistribution document, if there is one, is formatted and output.
The output is in ALV list format. In the standard display variant, notall columns are displayed but you can show these at any point. You canalso create and save a new display variant.

You can navigate forwards from the ALV list to the original document(column header: Ref.Doc) to the distribution document (column header:Doc.No.) and to the RE object (column header: RE Key) on which accountassignment is made.