SAP Program RFVIPB01 - Personal Guarantee for Lease-Out: Correspondence

The report prints personal guarantees forlease-outs.
The letters are printed perrental collateral of alease-out. You can now print rental collaterals from one lease-out inseveral letters and not just in one.
You can decide which letters are printed for which recipients.

One-Time preparations
Transport the text modules delivered for this purpose from client 000to all the clients which you want to print personal guarantees forrental agreements in. To do this, execute the report RSTXTCPY in everytarget client using the following parameters:

  • Text name:,,,,,,,,,,'*'

  • Language:,,,,,,,,,,Indicator of language used

  • Text ID:,,,,,,,,,,,,'*'

  • Source client:,,,,,,,,'000'

  • Target name:

  • Action log:,,,,,,,,,,'X'

  • Object name:,,,,,,,,,,'FVVI_BS'

  • You should be aware that the text modules already available withthe same name in the target client will be overwritten during thistransport.
    Execute function
    Maintain text objects and text ID's
    The text modules which are used in letters are identified by a textobject, a text ID and a name. The modules delivered for thisapplication are assigned to the text object 'FVVI_BS'. You can use thedelivered text objects and text ID's as your own text modules or createnew ones.
    Check whether the text object 'FVVI_BS' and the accompanying text IDare available.
    Customizing text objects: Execute function
    Customizing text IDs: Execute function
    Maintain letters
    Before you initially run the report you require at least one formletter in the word processing system which you use for that purpose.
    These letters are stored in the document group PEBS.
    Check whether this requirement has been fulfilled.
    Customizing letters: Execute function
    Maintain correspondence activity
    You can maintain correspondence activities and assign these letters androles to the recipients.
    Maintain correspondence activity: Execute function
    Assign letters and roles: Execute function
    You can set default values for correspondence activities (CA). You cangroup several CAs in a correspondence applicationand mark which CA appears in the initial screen of the report asdefault value.
    Customizing default values: Execute function
    For further information, see the description of the correspondenceinterface.

    You use a field, for example the lease-out number 'RVIMIMV_ZS-SMIVE',in a SAPscript letter in which you have entered the field names betweentwo '&' in the letter text, for example <(>&RVIMIMV_ZS-SMIVE&<)>.Thelease-out number is printed instead of this symbol. By additionallyentering '(CZ)', you can suppress blank spaces (C) and leading zeros(Z) in the display, for instance <(>&RVIMIMV_ZS-SMIVE(CZ)&<)>. You areable to use these two additional features individually or combine themwith others in accordance with the SAPscript description.
    You can display the following data in the letter:

    • Print date which appears on letter: Field VISCRIPT-DRUCKDTM.

    • For translation to another currency:

    • Currency to which the translation is made: Field VISCRIPT-SWHRKNDCUK.
      Key date of the translation (the average rates are used that are valid
      on that key date): Field VISCRIPT-DEXCHCUK.
      • Address of landlord: Fields in structure VIBKADR.

      • Business entity data: Fields in structure RVIOB01_ZS.

      • Property data: Fields in structure RVIOB02_ZS.

      • Building data: Fields in structure RVIOB03_ZS.

      • Rental unit data: Fields in structure RVIMI01_ZS.

      • Lease-out data: Fields in structure RVIMIMV_ZS.

      • Address of rental unit: Fields in structure VIRUADRS.

      • Lease-out user fields: Fields in structure VIRAUSRFLD.

      • Address of master tenant: Fields in structure MIETERADR.

      • Name and form of address texts for master tenant: Fields in structure
        • Address of clerk: Fields in structure ALLGSBADR.

        • Name and form of address texts for clerk: Field in structure RNAMALSB.

        • Address of personal guarantee holder: Fields in structure PSBADR.

        • Name and form of address texts for personal guarantee holder: Field in
        • structure RNAMPERSB.
          • Bank data for rental collateral: Fields in structure BNKA_MSICH and
          • part of structure RVIMIMV_ZS. The bank code is RVIMIMV_ZS-BANKKS. Forcountries whose banks have a separate account number in addition to thebank key, the field RVIMIMV_ZS-REFNR (reference number) can be used.Maintain the account number in the master data dialog, and only enterthis in the "Reference number" field.
            • Rental unit linked with rental unit and its address: Fields in
            • structures VILINKEDRU und RLKDRUADRS.
              • Partner data for object types business entity, property, building,
              • rental unit and lease-out, including owner: This data is stored invarious tables.
                In each of these tables there are additional fields, as well as theaddress data, to help you choose partners based on particular criteria(for instance, by role category or by Real Estate object).
                You can also link together entries in these tables belonging to aparticular partner.
                You can use fields in structures ADRS_ROL (to be filled by a loop viaTAB_ADRS_ROL), RFVPRT_ROL (to be filled by a loop via TAB_RFVPRT_ROL),SANS1_ROL (to be filled by a loop via TAB_SANS1_ROL), SPAB1_ROL (to befilled by a loop via TAB_SPAB1_ROL), SPKO1_ROL (to be filled by a loopvia TAB_SPKO1_ROL), SPBB1_ROL (to be filled by a loop viaTAB_SPBB1_ROL) and BNKA_ROL (to be filled by a loop via TAB_BNKA_ROL).
                • Apportionment units of rental unit: Fields in structure RVIMI08_ZS, to
                • be filled by a loop via internal table TAB_RVIMI08_ZS.
                  • Time-dependent adjustment types of lease-out: Fields in structure
                  • RVIMI54_ZS, to be filled by a loop via internal table TAB_RVIMI54_ZS.
                    • Time-dependent additional data for index-based lease-out, if
                    • applicable: Fields in structure RVIMI55_ZS, to be filled by a loop viainternal table TAB_RVIMI55_ZS.
                      • Sales-based rent header, if available: Fields in structure RVIMIUH_ZS,
                      • to be filled by a loop via internal table TAB_RVIMIUH_ZS.
                        • Sales-based rent items, if available: Fields in structure RVIMIUI_ZS,
                        • toto be filled by a loop via internal table TAB_RVIMIUI_ZS.
                          • Participation in service charge settlement: Fields in structure
                          • RVIAK02_ZS, to be filled by a loop via internal table TAB_RVIAK02_ZS.
                            • All condition headers of lease-out: Fields in structure RVIKOKO_ZS, to
                            • be filled by a loop via internal table TAB_RVIKOKO_ZS.
                              If only certain condition headers are required, for instance thosevalid on a certain date, the loop has to be restricted accordingly.
                              • All condition items of lease-out: Fields in structure VIRACOND, to be
                              • filled by a loop via internal table TAB_VIRACOND.
                                If only certain conditions are required, for instance those valid on acertain date, the loop has to be restricted accordingly.
                                • Further collateral: Fields in structure RVIMI32_ZS, to be filled by a
                                • loop via internal table TAB_RVIMI32_ZS. Here you may maintain theaccount number in the screen for further collateral, and only enterthis in the "Reference number" field (REFNR).
                                  • Customer payment methods of customer in the company code: Fields in
                                  • structure RVVKNB1, to be filled by a loop via internal tableTAB_RVVKNB1.
                                    • Time-dependent areas of the rental unit and related texts: Fields in
                                    • structure VIOB40_ZUS, to be filled by a loop via internal tableTAB_VIOB40_ZUS.
                                      • Room types and number of rooms per room type of the rental unit: Fields
                                      • in structure RVIOB10_ZS, to be filled by a loop via internal tableTAB_RVIOB10_ZS.
                                        • Fixtures and fittings characteristics: Fields in structure RVIMI02_ZS,
                                        • to be filled by a loop via internal table TAB_RVIMI02_ZS.
                                          • Data on heating systems of the rental unit: Fields in structure
                                          • RVIAK08_ZS, to be filled by a loop via internal table TAB_RVIAK08_ZS.
                                            • Data on the settlement period for service charges: Fields in structure
                                            • VIAK04_TXT, to be filled by a loop via internal table TAB_VIAK04_TXT.
                                              • Address of recipient: Fields in structure VIRCPADR.

                                              • Name and form of address texts for the recipient: Fields in structure
                                              • RNAMRCP.
                                                • Patner-address relationship for the recipient: Fields in structure
                                                • RSPAB1RCP.