SAP Program RFVIOS01 - Owner Settlement: Correspondence

The report prints owner settlements.
Letters are printed per owner. The system differentiates betweendifferent owner addresses according to the assignments made in RealEstate Customizing.

One-time preparations
Transport the text modules delivered for this purpose from client 000to all the clients which you want to print invoices for rent in. To dothis, execute the report RSTXTCPY in every target client using thefollowing parameters:

  • Text name:,,,,,,,,,,'*'

  • Language:,,,,,,,,,,Indicator of language used

  • Text ID:,,,,,,,,,,,,'*'

  • Source client:,,,,,,,,'000'

  • Target name:

  • Action log:,,,,,,,,,,'X'

  • Object name:,,,,,,,,,,'FVVI_OWN1'

  • You should be aware that the text modules already available withthe same name in the target client will be overwritten during thistransport.
    Execute function
    Maintain text objects and text ID's
    The text modules which are used in letters are identified by a textobject, a text ID and a name. The modules delivered for thisapplication are assigned to the text object 'FVVI_OWN1'. You can usethe delivered text objects and text ID's as your own text modules orcreate new ones.
    Check whether the text object 'FVVI_OWN1' and the accompanying text IDare available.
    Customizing text objects: Execute function
    Customizing text IDs: Execute function
    Maintain letters
    Before you initially run the report you require at least one formletter in the word processing system which you use for generalcorrespondence.
    These letters are stored in the sub-application OWN1.
    Note: If printing is carried out in the background for bulk processing,the form letters from the sub-application BTCH are used. The formletter for the invoice for rent is OWN_STTLMNT_01.
    Check whether this requirement has been fulfilled.
    Customizing letters: Execute function
    For further information, see the description of the correspondenceinterface.

    You use a field, for example the print date 'VISCRIPT-DRUCKDTM', in aSAPscript letter in which you have entered the field names between two'&' in the letter text, for example <(>&VISCRIPT-DRUCKDTM&<)>. Theprint date is printed instead of this symbol. By additionally entering'(CZ)', you can suppress blank spaces (C) and leading zeros (Z) in thedisplay. You are able to use these two additional features individuallyor combine them with others in accordance with the SAPscriptdescription.
    You can display the following data in the letter:

    • Print date which appears on letter: Field VISCRIPT-DRUCKDTM.

    • Lower date limit entered: Field VISCRIPT-DGULTAB.

    • Higher date limit entered: Field VISCRIPT-DGULTBIS.

    • Local currency: Field VISCRIPT-WAERS.

    • Translation to another currency:

    • Currency to be translated into: Field VISCRIPT-SWHRKNDCUK.
      Key date of the currency translation (based on the average rates thatare valid on that key date): Field VISCRIPT-DEXCHCUK.
      • Address of landlord: Fields in structure VIBKADR.

      • Owner settlement data:

      • Fields in structure RVIEA03_ZS, to be filled by a loop via the tableTAB_RVIEA03_ZS.
        Field of the structure RVIEA06_ZS, to be filled by a loop via the tableTAB_RVIEA06_ZS.
        • Business entity data: Fields in structure RVIOB01_ZS, to be filled by a
        • loop via table TAB_RVIOB01_ZS.
          • Property data : Fields in structure RVIOB02_ZS, to be filled by a loop
          • via TAB_RVIOB02_ZS.
            • Building data: Fields of structure RVIOB03_ZS, to be filled by a loop
            • via table TAB_RVIOB03_ZS.
              • Rental unit data: Fields of structure RVIMI01_ZS, to be filled by a
              • loop via table TAB_RVIMI01_ZS.
                • Rental agreement data: Fields of structure RVIMIMV_ZS, to be filled by
                • a loop via table TAB_RVIMIMV_ZS.
                  • Partner data for the object types business entity, property, building,
                  • rental unit and rental agreement, including owners: This data is storedin various tables.
                    In each of these tables there are additional fields, as well as theaddress data, to help you choose partners based on particular criteria(for instance, by role category or by Real Estate object).
                    You can also link together entries in these tables belonging to aparticular partner.
                    You can use the structures of the fields ADRS_ROL (to be filled by aloop via TAB_ADRS_ROL), RFVPRT_ROL (to be filled by a loop viaTAB_RFVPRT_ROL), SANS1_ROL (to be filled by a loop via TAB_SANS1_ROL),SPAB1_ROL (to be filled by a loop via TAB_SPAB1_ROL), SPKO1_ROL (to befilled by a loop via TAB_SPKO1_ROL), SPBB1_ROL (to be filled by a loopvia TAB_SPBB1_ROL) and BNKA_ROL (to be filled by a loop viaTAB_BNKA_ROL).
                    • Address of clerk: Fields of structure ALLGSBADR.

                    • Name and form of address texts for the clerk: Fields of structure
                    • RNAMALSB.
                      • Address of recipient: Fields of structure VIRCPADR.

                      • Names and form of address texts for the recipient: Fields of structure
                      • RNAMRCP.
                        • Partner-address relationship for the recipient: Fields of structure
                        • RSPAB1RCP.