SAP Program RFVIBEPP - Cash flow correction after EMU conversion

The euro conversion program converted the tables VIBEPP (cash flow) andVZZKOPO (conditions) to the euro. As a result of the tables beingconverted separately (VIBEPP contains net amounts and VAT, VZZKOPOcontains net amounts), the equasion: net + tax = gross may notcorrespond. If this is the case, follow-up posting records will begenerated during the next rental agreement or management contract debitposition representing insignificant amounts.
The purpose of this report is to avoid postings of insignificantamounts.
Method for rental agreement
Cash flows for the selected agreements are post-generated. Note thatthe "period" has to be set properly.
Selection list with "planning records" is displayed.
After selecting and saving the "planning records", these are changed to"actual records". That means they are not taken into account in thenext debit position.
Management contract
Debit position for the selected contracts is called to determine theplanning records.
See b) above
See c) above
The following table is affected:

  • VIBEPP: Transaction data - plan items for real estate management
  • Requirements
    The report has to be run in the POST-D phase after local currencychangeover.