SAP Program RFVIBBCL - Recalculation of end date of correction period (22E -> 22F)

The report recalculates the end date of the correction on the basis ofthe initial usage date. The maximum possible end of the correctionperiod is calculated using the initial usage date, taking account ofSections 187 II, 188 II of the German Civil Code and Section 45 of theGerman sales tax implementation regulation. The end date of thecorrection items is only changed if it is different from the end dateas presently calculated and if the report was not started as a testrun. During the test run, the maximum date is calculated but is notsaved in the database.
WARNING: In the production run, you should only select correction itemswith end dates which actually have to be adjusted as a result of thechanges between 2.22E and 2.22F (see corresponding release noteregarding master data correction items for 2.22F). The end date of allcorrection items selected in the production run will be set to themaximum possible end date (120 months correction period). If, forexample, the number of correction months was previously 100, and if thenumber of months is now increased by the report to 120, the monthlycorrection amounts will be calculated using 120 months after thechange.

The selected correction items are only taken into account if

  • the correction items are not flagged for deletion

  • the input tax phase of the correction items is set at 2 (adjustment), 3
  • (correction) or 4 (no correction)
    • the correction items have an initial usage date
    • Output
      Display of correction items which have been changed (in the test run,those to be changed) with the initial usage date, end date of thecorrection BEFORE the recalculation, end date of the correction AFTERthe recalculation.