You have to be extremely careful and exact when executing this report!Changes can currently not be reversed. Contact our RE hotline ifnecessary. Use the report in emergencies only.
You can use this report in the following instances:
Cost collectors have been released even thought the SU was settled.
You recognize this from the cost collector overview and by the factthat postings can be made on the settlement units although a settlementhas already been carried out.
The SU was created with a valid-from date that is too early
The SU was created too early, the first cost collectors are notrequired and should not appear in the settlement. You should set thesecost collectors to "settled".
You have to reverse documents of a SU, but want the "settled" status toremain.
In certain circumstances it is necessary to reverse documents with anaccount assignment on a SU and leave the status of the SU as "settled".In other words, the SU is to receive the temporary status of"released". In a case like this you have to release the SU with thereport. Enter a file name so that the settlement ID is save. To be onthe safe side you can print the contents of table VIAK25 relating tothe affected cost collector beforehand. You have to set the SU to"settled" again. The settlement ID is then read from the local file ifyou specified it in the initial screen. The system date is used as thesettlement date.

Cost Collector Selection
Select the heating systems or the settlement units. Enter exactly onesettlement period for which the settlement of the correspondingsettlement units has already taken place.
To set the cost collector to "settled" or "released" enter the Ok_CodeFULL. Additional entry fields will appear in the selection screen.
Start the program.
The system shows a list of the SUs. The current status of the relevantcost collector is also displayed.
Select the cost collector that you want to change. Choose the "Setstatus" button to check whether or not a cost collector may be changed.Press the Save button to copy the change to the database.
Make absolutely sure that you have selected the right objects.
The program is similar to that referred to in Note 89076, but it alsoworks for settlement units for internal settlements. You can also useit to lock or unlock several cost collectors simultaneously.
The option to set items to "settled" has been hidden for safetyreasons. To display the radio button, enter ok_code FULL in the initialscreen after selecting the SUs.
Caution: As of Release 4.6A you can process several cost collectors forthe same SU, but the system does not check whether all of these costcollectors have the "settled" status!

Release 4.6C
When you enter the name of a local file, the old table entries aresaved locally. If you specify this name when setting the SU to"released" and the specify it again when you set the SU to "released"again, the old settlement ID is read from the local file and saved intable VIAK25. The system date is then used as the settlement date.