SAP Program RFVD_MAINTAIN_VDBIW_DATA - Maintenance of Shadow Table (VDBIW_DATA) of BW Extractor in CML

You use this report to reset the shadow table (VDBIW_DATA) of the loanextractor. You can also use it to delete loans or individual recordsfrom the shadow table.
In the Delete All Entries screen you can delete individualrecords or a quantity of data records from the shadow table of the BWextractor. The system determines the relevant data records and deletesthem from the shadow table based on the selection criteria you enter.You can restrict the time of the selection and the deletion using theparameters Current Date and Time.
In the Only Delete Data Records screen you can delete individualrecords or a quantity of data records from the shadow table of the BWextractor. The system determines the relevant data records and deletesthem from the shadow table based on the selection criteria you enter.You can restrict the time of the selection and the deletion using theparameters Current Date and Time.
In the Only Delete Administration Records screen you can deleteindividual records or a quantity of data records from the shadow tableof the BW extractor. The system determines the relevant data recordsanddeletes them from the shadow table based on the selection criteria youenter. You can restrict the time of the selection and the deletion usingthe parameters Current Date and Time.
In Reset mode the report deletes the entries from the last request inthe shadow table of the BW extractor that belong to the company code andproduct type or types selected. The system removes the entries that havea time stamp that is after the time stamp of the last request. Entriesfor which the deletion indicator has been set and that have a time stampafter the time stamp of the penultimate request are revived, meaning thedeletion indicator is removed. The system then deletes the correspondingtime stamp of the last request from the time stamp table. The contractnumber parameter does not have a function in the Reset mode.
In the Reorganization mode, the system deletes all of the data recordswith a set deletion indicator in the shadow table. You need to executethe Reorganization after every successful extraction. After thereorganization you can no longer reset the table. Only the Infosourceselection parameters are relevant in the Reorganization mode.

Deletion: Deletion mode for individual loans or records
Reset: Resetting the shadow table by a request.
Infosource: Entries of the Infosource that are to be deleted
Company code: Company code
Contract number: Loan contract (ignored in Reset mode)
Date: Date from which the entries are to be deleted or to which thetable is to be reset.
Time: Time from which the entries are to be deleted
Time Zone: The time zone to which the date and time refer. Warning: Thedate and time are converted to GMT for the creation of a time stamp. Thetime zone controls the generation.
Test run: If you set the test run indicator the database operations arenot executed.