SAP Program RFVDXPRA_TZB08_TO_TDLOANFUNC - XPRA Customizing: Flow Types per Application Function

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XPRA Customizing "Flow Types per Application Function" 4.5A TR-LO

XPRA RFVDXPRA_TZB08_TO_TDLOANFUNC converts the "Flow Types perApplication function" in Customizing for the TR-LO component (TreasuryLoans).
Customizing tables affected: TZB08 and TZK04 as source tables andTDLOANFUNC as the target table. The source table entries stay the same.
Read the documentation for customizing the tables.

You must have upgraded your system from Release 3.0F or 4.0A to Release4.5A or higher. The flow types will only be converted if you use TR-LOand if entries are available in the Customizing tables.

A message appears to tell you whether or not the conversion has beensuccessful. Note the message long text.
You can also execute conversion report RFVDXPRA_TZB08_TO_TDLOANFUNC inthe background after the upgrade.
You can make individual corrections by maintaining the entries.
Make sure that the Customizing has been converted correctly before theoperation goes live.