SAP Program RFVDXPRA_TDLOANFUNC_100 - XPRA Customizing: Flow Types per Application Function

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XPRA Customizing "Flow Types for Posting Applications" 4.0C TR-LO

XPRA RFVDXPRA_TZB08_TO_TDLOANFUNC replaces the Customizing activity"Flow Types for Posting Applications" for the component TR-LO (TreasuryLoans).
Affected Customizing tables: As sources, TZB08 and TZK04; as a targettable, TDLOANFUNC. The entries in the source tables remain unaffected.
Check the documentatino for Customizing the tables.

Releases 30F or 40A need to be upgraded to 40C or higher. Conversioncan only take place if TR-LO is implemented and there are entries inthe Customizing tables.

A message will appear stating that the conversion was either successfulor unsuccessful. Check the message long text carefully.
Conversion report RFVDXPRA_TZB08_TO_TDLOANFUNC can also be carried outin batch mode after the upgrade.
Corrections can be made by simply maintaining the entries.
Make sure that Customizing has been properly converted.