SAP Program ARLNK_SET_PROXYS_ALDOCUMENTS - Set Proxies for ArchiveLink Attachments

You use this report to create references to ArchiveLink-linked documentsthat are in a storage system that has an ILM certification includingretention propagation for ArchiveLink references. The references arealso created in the storage system and are used to support retentionperiods and legal holds. This ensures physical protection against thedestruction and deletion of data by the storage system. The referencesare created via the WebDAV interface in the storage system.

The entries in the ArchiveLink link tables (TOA* tables) are thestandard entries.
The report is intended to be scheduled periodically as a background job.


ArchiveLink Linked Documents

Object Type
Linked BOR object.

Document Type
Document type under which the document was stored.

Storage Date
Date on which the document was stored.

All the Last x Days
All the new links from the last x days.

Single Selection

Document ID
Direct entry of the ArchiveLink document ID.

Detailed Log
Success messages are not displayed in aggregated form.

Test Mode
The references are not created.