SAP Program RFVDWDV1 - Loans: Deadline Monitoring

Report program RFVDWDV1 automatically notifies the loan clerk of anyapproaching deadlines in the loans area.
You can restrict the loans to be monitored by entering the selectioncriteria "Company code" and "Loan number". If no restrictions are made,the system checks all the loans, which could result in a long run-time.
A WORK AREA is defined in table TZW01 for every deadline which can betraced.

Work areas for loans:
VFUE ,, Restraint on disposal until
FEST ,, End of fixed interest period
KUEN ,, Notice given by lender
AVIS ,, Payment advice note due date
KRES ,, Interested parties - Reservation of conditions
You can enter a so-called LEAD TIME for the different work areas. Thisdetermines how far in advance notice is given of a future deadline.
The messages for the work areas are stored in table TZW02. You can usethe following variables within the texts:

  • vzwdvl-text1 = Loan number

  • vzwdvl-datum1 = Tracing date

  • zwdvl-text2 = Flow type (only for work area AVIS)
  • Precondition
    The program has to be run regularly b e f o r e report programRFVVMAIL (background).

    Information about the deadlines is written to table VZWDVL. The reportprogram RFVVMAIL sends the messages from VZWDVL to the mailbox of theappropriate clerk. The recipient is the last person who changed theloan master. If this information is not available, the mail is sent tothe person who initially created the master record. If the 'Currentuser' field is flagged in Customizing, the system also sends a messageto the current user who started up the deadline monitoring program(RFVDWDV1).

    Error log
    During each program run, the system generates an error log and writesit to the spool.