SAP Program RFVDEMU1 - Contract Currency Changeover to Euro

Using this report, you can convert a loan from one currency into EUROs.

You can find more explicit information in the online documentation.

1165806Enhancing the contract currency conversion
459319ECCC: Error 6E058 (premium/discount)
486263Contrct crcy changeovr:incor.refernces in crcy swap postings
482154Contr.crcy chngover:err message 6E144 - balance corrections
458696EUR: Exceeding the limit values for the adjustment flows
436899VWU: Termination 64751 "Assignment for flow category XB..."
440702ECCC: Account assignment reference is not changed
382982EUR: Limit values for euro adjustment flows are exceeded
426364ECCC: Contract currency changeover via batch input
409525EUR: incorrect correction of interest calculation capital
398769EUR: limit values exceeded with reset
395781ECCC: update in the Cash Management
364418EUR:Incorr.exch.rate gains/loss.aft.euro contr.crcy chgovr