SAP Program RFVDCH92 - Additional Data for 'Retrieve Object' (Swiss Correspondence)

The report RFVDCH91 prints customer letters by financial project.
The difference between this and normal correspondence routines beingthe number of loans to be processed.
In the standard procedure, correspondence is printed per loan. Thereport RFVDCH92 in this case prints correspondence per loan group,namely financial project.
This report processes loans as well as financial projects. When youstart the report, the system checks which selection options (financialproject or loan number) have been made and on the basis of this, loadsthe corresponding data for one or more loans.
Depending on the business activity, the following letters areretrieved:

  • 9010 Interest invoice

  • 9020 Application

  • 9030 Tax confirmation

  • 9040 Letter of notice

  • 9050 Contract offer

  • 9060 Loan contract

  • 9070 Interest adjustment

  • 9080 Outpayment
  • Precondition
    The prerequisite for this, being that all contracts which belong to a
    financial project have the same partner, collateral securities, bankdetails and objects.
    Maintain text objects and text IDs
    The text modules which are used in the letters are identified by a textobject, a text ID and a name. The modules delivered with the system forthis application are assigned to the text object 'FVVD'. You can eitheruse the text objects and text IDs delivered with the system or createyour own new ones.
    Check whether the text object 'FVVD' and the corresponding text ID areavailable.
    Customizing text objects: Execute function
    Customizing text IDs: Execute function
    Maintain letters
    Before you run the report for the first time, you must have at leastone form letter for the letter in the word processing application whichis linked to the correspondence function,
    These letters are stored under the sub-application D_CH.
    Customizing letters: Execute function
    Customizing the letter-module relationship: Executefunction

    You can output data in the letters which is available in the tablesVDSCRKO and VDSCRIPT.
    You are additionally able, depending on the letter, to output furtherapplication-relevant data (see letter modules).
    Depending on whether you use the form FVVD_STANDARD or FVVD_FAKTURA_CH,
    you are able to control the display form of the letter:

    • FVVD_STANDARD - Standard letter

    • FVVD_FAKTURA_CH - Letter with POR window (only relevant to Switzerland)