SAP Program RFVDBST0 - Position Trend

This report prints the loan portfolio trends for each loan from fiscalyear start to the key-date entered.
The sort with corresponding creation of subtotals is carried outaccording to company code, product type, account assignment reference,currency and loan number.
You can make any type of selection you require (single values or valuesets) in the database selection options.

799349STM: Missing authorization check of DART connection CML
400234EUR: Balance in local cry euro due to balance sheet transf.
524975EUR: Rounding differences not taken off the books correctly
495660REP:Position trend after balance sheet transfer
492624REP: Position trend list: IP displayed incorrectly
493495EUR: Rounding differences in local currency euro
490591REP:position trend list:write-off displayed incorrectly
355909REP: Short dump in position trend list
409334REP: Position trend after ECCC to euro (exchange rate dif.)
379818REP: position trend list: write-off is ignored
414290REP:postn trend aft.cntr.crcy chngovr to euro(ex.rate diff.)
394990REP: position trend list, same G/L account
371097EURO: Rounding differences w/ loans with local cry euro
399404EURO: supplement to Note 371097 (rounding differences)