SAP Program RFUVXX00 - DME File for Summarized Advance Tax Return

You run this program to generate an advance return for tax onsales/purchases as a DME file, which you can then send to the taxauthorities, for instance, via e-mail. The program prepares the tax datain a summarized format, and it can create the output in the form of anXML or flat file.

Before you can run this program:

  • You need to have created an appropriate format tree in the
  • Data Medium Exchange Engine (DMEE) based on thetree type UMS2 or UMS3.
    • You have already run the Advance Return for Tax on
    • Sales/Purchases program to select and prepare the required data fromtax-relevant documents. Under Posting Parameters, enter a programrun date and an identification, which you must then also specify in thisreport.

      On the selection screen, enter data as required:

      • The same run date and identification you specified in the prerequisite
      • report
        • What level you want to report on - for a single company code or for a
        • tax on sales/purchases group
          • How the data is to be summarized in the output, and a corresponding DMEE
          • format tree
            Summarize by tax code, which corresponds to a format tree with the treetype UMS2
            Summarize in a specially defined output, which corresponds to a formattree with the tree type UMS3
            You customize the output in one of the following activities underFinancial Accounting > General Ledger > Accounting> Business Transactions > Closing > Reporting >Sales/Purchases Tax Returns > GroupTax Base Balances or Group Tax Balances.
            If you require a different output of positive/negative valuesbecause certain tax-return fields are predefined to have the opposite(positive/negative) value, you can define this in the activityAssign Positive/Negative Values to Different Fields.

            Note that if a format-specific structure isassigned to the format tree you specify here, an AdditionalParameters pushbutton appears next to the tree once you chooseEnter, and you can enter the data here directly. Typically thismight be information that is not available from the database; forexample, in Austria the tax office assigns a company a specific ID whenit registers to send its tax return in XML format.
            • How you want the file to be output

            • Whether you want to reorganize data once the file has been generated

            • &RECOMMENDATION&
              The system validates if the file path entered by the user aligns withthe file system configurations authenticated for the report.
              The file system configuration includes a logical file nameFI_RFUVXX00_FILE and logical file path FI_ERVJAB_FILE_PATH
              , associated with the report. You should maintain the physical file paththat you need to use in this report, against the logical file pathFI_ERVJAB_FILE_PATH using transaction FILE.
              For further information on maintaining the physical file path, refer toDefining Logical Path and File Names.

              The program generates a file based on the structure defined in thespecified DMEE format tree.

1564784Finland Reverse Tax
1553662Finland VAT (RFUVXX00) monthly declaration 2011
844269RFUVXX00 Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung mit + / - Zeichen
829662Austria: Electronic annual tax return U1
730539New UVA structure for XML file
797794Menu Entry is missing after appling Note 625971 for 47
789469RFUVXX00 Display XML File
738335DMEEngine: XML files incorrectly stored on server