SAP Program RFUSVS14 - Annual Operations Report (Spain)

Annual Sales Report Spain

The report selects the relevant data for the annual sales report inSpain. All documents to which no classic withholding tax wasposted are taken into account.
The data can then be stored on disk and/or as a file to be passed on tothe relevant financial authorities. You can also display the data recordfor checking as a screen list.


Report RFUSVX11
The data record that is determined is initially stored on an applicationserver. With report RFUSVX11, you can convert the file to DOS format andstore it locally on your PC.

Make sure that a tax number has been defined in your master data forboth your Spanish vendors and your Spanish customers (under TaxInformation --> Tax Code 1). The report selects only businesspartners with tax numbers.
You have activated the VATdate function. For more information about the VAT date function, seeSAP Note 1232484.

The report brings together the following information:

  • Sender details

  • Name, address, number of data records declared and so on.
    • Details of the sales declared

    • Information on the vendors and customers reported on (such as name,sales and tax number)
      • Leasing data

      • The report imports the leasing data from a file that must already existand have the legally required format. Enter the file name and path inthe selection screen.

        In addition to the general data, enter the following data on theselection screen:

        • Report Details --> Replacement Return

        • A replacement return will be outputted.
          Make sure that the number of the sales report to be replaces is definedunder Number of Replaced Report.
          • Report Details --> Number of Replaced Report

          • Enter the number of the sales report that you want to replace with thenew report.
            • Report Details --> Supplementary Return

            • A supplementary return will be outputted. This supplements a previouslycreated sales report.
              Make sure that all vendors and customers affected are entered underVendors to be included and Customers to be included.
              • Further Selections:

              • Regions To Be Excluded
                Define the regions (for example the Canary Islands) that you want toexclude from the sales report.
                Customers and vendors with the corresponding region indicator will notbe taken into consideration.
                Tax Reporting Date
                Define the start and end date of a period for which you want the reportto select the relevant documents theVAT date of which belongsto this period.
                Codes To Be Excluded
                Define the codes that you want to exclude from the sales report.
                Documents with the corresponding tax codes will not be taken intoconsideration.
                • Output Control --> Amount Limit

                • Only customers and vendors with sales exceeding the amount limit definedhere will be taken into account.
                  Enter the amount limit in EURO. Do not use commas in the amount.
                  • Output Control --> Company Code Responsible

                  • The company code entered under responsible company code is the leadingcompany code.
                    Special settings for insurance companies or landlords/tenants
                    If the company making the sales report is an insurance company or alandlord/tenant, it has to report certain document types (such asinsurance transactions) separately.
                    In cases like this, enter the document types in question. These willthen be outputted separately.


                    • Output as a List (Screen)

                    • For checking purposes, you can just display a screen list to begin with.Select List Output. After checking, select the Output as UNIXFile field and start the report again.
                      • Output on Application Server and PC/Disk

                      • To store the data record as a file, select the Output as UNIX File
                        field in the Output Control screen area. The report creates a fileon the application server. You enter the path and file name for thisunder UNIX File for Output.
                        To store the file locally in DOS format, start report RFUSVX11.

1533216Documentation Updates - Tax Date
1281852Legal change on VAT date(Spain);RFUSVS14,RFASLD11B,RFKORDES
871301Selection parameter Ledger in tax programs
601295VF01: Withholding tax code XX in FI document