SAP Program RFUMSSUM - Total Amounts in Several Tax Returns (Sale/Purch Tax)

Report RFUMSSUM can also be used for the annual return for tax on salesand purchases. For this purpose, the annual return for tax on sales andpurchases (report RFUMSV00) must be started for each month with theparameters 'Prepare Printing of Forms, 'Program Run Date# and'Identification'. The identification must be identical for all reportingperiods in an annual return for tax on sales and purchases. At year-end,start report RFUMSSUM. Enter the following parameters:
'Identification of the Runs Being Searched for'
Here, enter the 'Identifikation' of the runs that you entered during thereturn for tax on sales and purchases
'Date of the Runs Being Searched for':
Enter the date of the opening entry of the first run and the date of theclosing entry of the last run in the return for tax on sales andpurchases.
'Company Code of Runs Being Searched for':
You use this field for validation. You do not use is to selectindividual ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,company codes of an identification. RFUMSSUMprocesses ,,,,,,,,,,,,all company codes of an identification.
'First Month of Runs Being Searched for':
Here, enter the first month that is contained in the annual report
'Fiscal Year of Runs Being Searched for':
Here, enter the fiscal year of the first report for tax on sales andpurchases that the annual report contains
'Live run'
If this field is selected, database tables UMSV and UMSVZ will beupdated with the compressed tax data from the annual report for tax onsales and purchases.
This is a precondition for reporting amounts with the print programsRFUVDE00 and RFUVBE00.
'Run Date':
The value that you enter in this field will be added to the keys of thedata records that wrtie to tables UMSV and UMSVZ. Here, you can, forexample, enter the data on which you create the annual report for tax onsales and purchases. You also have to enter the value that you enterhere on the selection screen in the print programs.
Here, enter the identification of the run for report RFUMSSUM. You alsohave to enter the value that you enter here on the selection screen inthe print programs.
This information on the selection screen parameters also applies for thereport for the annual return for tax on sales and purchases described inthe first paragraph.

During daily program runs, always use the same additionalidentification. You can enter an additional identification and a timeperiod in the selection parameters for program RFUMSSUM. The programthen selects all entries with the additional identification and a rundate that lies within this time period. You can enter a new run date andadditional identification for the totals. If you select the indicator"UPDATE", the totals are stored in tables UMSV and UMSVZ under the rundate and additional identification.

929081RFUMSV00: Memory-related runtime terminations