SAP Program RFTR_ALERTMONITOR - Financial Transaction Processing: Alert Monitor

Alert Monitor (Back Office)

The Alert Monitor collects error messages from various TRM areas thatbelong to a back office area and makes them available in a highlysummarized form. The following areas are covered:

  • Settlement

  • Release

  • Payment and posting

  • Correspondence

  • Interest rate adjustment

  • There are various reporting transactions that cover some of thesefunctions (for example, various error logs, correspondence monitor, testruns). However, the disadvantage is that the user has to call upnumerous different transactions for the respective application areas. Inextreme cases, individual errors may only be noticed at a very latestage.
    The Alert Monitor will be available as a MiniApp in the Workplace forback office staff (see Release Notes for CFM 2.0).


    Hint: You can use report variants to set dynamic date entries (forexample, "Today" minus 3 days). Such variants are convenient for runningperiodic checks.