SAP Program RFTP_SET_ITEM_RES_SYSTEM - Assignment of Reservation Systems to Travel Services (Items)

From release ERP2005, the code of the reservation system at which atraveler searches for or reserves travel services is assigned to thetravel services (database table FTPT_ITEM) when they are generated. Thecode is stored in the RES_SYSTEM field.
Without this information, it would not be possible for example todetermine the reservation system for a hotel service in cases whereaccess parameters for multiple hotel reservation systems are defined(such as both GDS and HRS plus a system connected with XI) for the salesoffice determination grouping of the service (USERG field, based onfeature TRVOF).
Furthermore, travel plans may contain travel services of the samecategory and sales office determination grouping but differentreservation systems (such as one hotel reserved with GDS and anotherreserved with HRS).
Since the field FTPT_ITEM-RES_SYSTEM did not exist in releases beforeERP2005, the information on the reservation system is missing for travelservices transferred during an upgrade from a pre-ERP2005 system to anERP2005 system. This can cause problems when displaying travel plans ifinformation is specific to a certain reservation system.
To prevent this problem, this report can assign the code of thereservation system to travel services with an empty RES_SYSTEM field.However, this is only necessary if your old system was using both globalreservation systems (GDS) and direct reservation systems (HRS or BIBE).

The program can only function reliably if your travel planningcustomizing meets the following requirements:
All reservation systems on which travel services can be based arecorrectly defined in the maintenance view V_TA21P_R (Define ReservationSystems). In ERP2005 the standard system supplies entries for Amadeus,Galileo, Sabre, HRS, and BIBE.
In the new system, you have specified the same groupings for salesoffice determination as in your old system (maintenance viewV_TA20O_FIND, Define Groupings for Access to External ReservationSystems). Otherwise it is not possible to determine the accessparameters for reservation systems.
In the new system, you have defined the access parameters forreservation systems (global reservation systems and others) for eachgrouping for sales office determination in the same way as in the oldsystem. Otherwise the system cannot associate the access parameters withthe reservation systems.

You can assign the reservation systems for the travel services of allgroupings for sales office determination or a single grouping:

  • All Groupings TRVOF

  • All travel services are processed.
    • Specific Grouping TRVOF

    • This option processes only the travel services of grouping TRVOF thatyou have specified under Parameters - Sales Office Determination.
      • Sales Office Determination

      • Specify the grouping for sales office determination (TRVOF) if you wantthe assignment to apply only to the travel services of one grouping(option Specific Grouping TRVOF).
        • Simulation (No DB Mod)

        • The program is run as a simulation. No changes are made to the database.
          • Process All Items

          • All travel services are processed (not just those to which noreservation system has been assigned). This may overwrite information.

            A list is output showing the number of travel services that wereassigned to a GDS, HRS, or BIBE system. Also shown are the total numberof processed items and the number for which no assignment was possible(because the parameter Process All Items was not set or due to incorrectcustomizing settings).