SAP Program RFTBSI10 - Collective Processing: Forex Hedges

The report gives you an overview of existing forex hedges which meetthe selection criteria you entered. You can branch from this list toprocess individual hedge transactions.

Hedges must fulfil the selection criteria you have chosen. If nomatching hedges are found, the system does not generate an overview.
You can restrict the selection using additional options such as thecheck boxes for displaying hedges, e.g.

  • 'if unallocated amount exists'. Here the system finds hedges with an
  • unallocated amount which is less than zero for sales and greater thanzero for purchases.
    • 'if fully allocated'. The system only finds hedges where the
    • 'unallocated amount' is equal to zero.
      • 'buy transaction currency'. Here the system only finds hedges in which
      • the transaction currency is bought and the base currency is sold.
        • 'sell transaction currency'. Here the system only finds hedges in which
        • the transaction currency is sold and the base currency is purchased.
          If you mark the check box 'with allocations', you get a list of allallocations (e.g. FI documents) relating to a hedge.
          You can also search for hedges with a specific status, e.g. all hedgeswhich have been 'reversed'.

          Hedges are sorted per:

          • company code

          • currency pair

          • sales

          • purchases

          • hedge date

          • hedge number

          • For each hedge, the system displays lines for the actual hedge, its'allocated' and 'unallocated' amounts.
            Allocations which have been 'reversed' or 'replaced' are not includedin the calculation of allocated/unallocated amounts.