SAP Program RFTBLT04 - Reorganize Analysis Characteristics

The report integrates the analysis characteristics of the Market RiskAnalyzer (-> Execute IMG Activity), whichwere selected as relevant for limits, into the characteristicstructures in Limit Management, and reorganizes them.

The program is basically a framework for function moduleTB_LIMIT_CHARS_GEN_FOR_MRM (-> Documentation).


Operating mode:

  • Reorganization (only new characteristics added):

  • No mass activation of dependent tables is carried out
    • Reorganization (characteristics are changed/deleted (with mass
    • activation)):
      Mass activation of dependent tables is carried out
      • Deletion of all analysis characteristics:

      • Deletion of the analysis characteristics integrated into LimitManagement, including mass activation of dependent tables
        Only possible if analysis characteristics in a limit type are no longerused in any client.

        The system generates a log of the reoganization.

        You can check the integrity of the analysis characteristics selected asrelevant for limits, as compared with the generated characteristicstructure, by using report RFTBLT05 ->Execute function .


        Further information
        See also the Release Notes for 4.63.