SAP Program RFTBLD03 - Delete Limits

Program RFTBLD03 deletes the limits you selected in the selectionscreen, and the objects that belong to them. Note that unlike thearchiving program, you cannot reinstate any limits that were deletedusing program RFTBLD03. This program is designed for tidying uptest systems only. If you want to reorganize the data in the database ofproductive systems, ensure you use only the archiving programs designedfor this purpose.
Program RFTBLD03 first selects the limits you chose, and checkswhether any utilizations and limit transfers exist for them. It thenreads any interim limits, notes, and change documents that exist for theselected limits. After this, it deletes the collected data from thedatabase.
In the selection screen, you have the option of switching off the checkfor utilizations (see requirements).
You can also switch off the function for deleting notes and changedocuments if you want to use a different program to delete these. If youswitch off these functions, the program has a shorter runtime.
You also have the option of running the program in test mode first tofind out how many limits there are for deletion and how long the jobwill take, without actually deleting any data.

You can delete only those limits that do not have any utilizations andfor which there are no limit transfers.
If you are sure that there are no utilizations for the limits you haveselected, in the selection screen you can switch off the check functionfor utilizations. If this is not the case, and you start the programwithout checking whether there are any utilizations, then this can leadto inconsistencies on the database. This is because with standardapplications you cannot delete utilizations whose limits no longerexist. However, if there are no utilizations in the system, you canreduce the runtime of the program by up to 40% if you switch of thecheck function.
Before you start program, you can use transaction TBL6 to deletethe utilizations, and transaction TLL5 to delete the limittransfers.

The program returns the following values:

  • Number of limits that you have selected using the current selection
  • variant
    • Number of limits that the system is unable to delete because:

    • they are locked by another user or program (*)
      the system has found utilizations that belong to them (*)
      the system has found limit transfers that belong to them (*)
      • Number of limits that were deleted

      • Number of interim limits that were deleted for the limits (*)

      • Number of notes that were deleted for the limits (*)

      • Number of change documents that were deleted

      • (*) The number is displayed only if it is not equal to 0.