SAP Program RFTBJL04 - Collective Monitoring of Options: Expiry / Knock-In / Knock-Out

Collective monitoring allows automatic activity processing of OTCcurrency options.
This checks whether the option is still valid on the key date. You canalso check the Knock-In and Knock-Out levels of options against thehighest/lowest rates. This rate check relates to a currency pair.
The report proposes processing steps for the respective option whichare carried out in the background when you save. A success message isdisplayed.

The options must be in the activity category which allows the proposedprocessing step. If this is not the case, an error message isdisplayed.

Example using USD/DEM options:
1. Knock-In-Option Down & In Barrier 1,55 Exercise date 01.31.xx
2. Standard Option Exercise date 01.15.xx
Input of collective monitoring on the selection screen:
Key date : 01.20.xx
Currency : USD DEM (Lead currency/Following currency)
Lowest rate : 1.52
Highest rate : 1.65
Report proposal:
As the first option is still valid and all currency and rate entrieswere made on the selection screen, the barrier could be checked.'KNOCK-IN' appears as a processing proposal.
As the exercise date of the standard option is earlier than the keydate, the option is now expired. The processing step 'EXPIRATION' isproposed.