Spreadsheet: Import market data

Report RFTBDF_OLE (Transaction TBEX) allows you to transfer externalmarket data directly from a spreadsheet into the SAP system. When a newspreadsheet is created, master data that was directly defined in the SAPsystem can be transferred and used as the framework of the table.
Proceed as follows if you use existing spreadsheets:

  • Select a file using the F4 help in the file name field.

  • Select the "Change" function from the toolbar.

  • Go to the title element "Spreadsheet". The contents of the spreadsheet
  • are displayed and the "Import Market Data (F5)" function is activated.

    The application integrates an external spreadsheet (for example,Microsoft Excel 97 or Lotus 1-2-3, Version 9.0 Millennium Edition) withthe SAP system. The integration is carried out via OLE.

    A spreadsheet program must be installed on the PC. The program must becompletely preconfigured for Excel 97. If you do not use this program,some adjustments may be necessary.
    Call up the program and go to the settings: Behind the "Spreadsheet"button, you have the interface parameters for the report:

    • Application that is to be started: Select the relevant spreadsheet using
    • the F4 Help button. The spreadsheet must support the 'Table' category.
      • Template with macros: If you wish to create your own template, you must
      • delete all interface parameters including the application that is to bestarted. Then start the application.
        • You then implement two macros that allow the flow of data between SAP
        • system and your application. You can then store the template in the webrepository. You can also refer to the following documentation:Template, Macros andApplication/Document category.

          You can transfer a maximum of 1000 rates and prices simultaneously viathe spreadsheet into the SAP system.

          Further notes

          • Take a look at the format description for Report
          • RFTBFF00: Importing Market Data Via the File Interface as well as forReport RFTBFF01: Output of Requests List. Therequirements regarding field length, meaning, etc. are also valid here.
            • The transaction is only designed for the Enjoy screen size of 27 lines
            • and 120 columns. Take note of the relevant recommendations for thescreen structures of the employees.