SAP Program RFTBDF05 - Datafeed: Import Security ID Numbers

Report RFTBDF05 uses the securities ID numbers/descriptions stored askeys in the securities master record to perform automatic Customizing. Afile must be available in a certain format for this to happen (seebelow). Automatic Customizing means that the system notation forsecurities contained in the datafeed translation table is automaticallysupplemented by the relevant datafeed parameters, as available in thefile supplied. Automatic Customizing can only take place seperately foreach security price type. You must enter the name of the security pricetype in the SAP system.
The securities price type is displayed via the system notationconversion table in datafeed notation. The indicator for updating themaster data can be entered in the selection screen and is then valid forall entries generated in the translation table.

File with the following file format:
Description Category Length e.g.
Instrument name CHAR 20 =FSAG
Data source/Producer/Source CHAR 15 QFRecord
Securities price type/no. CHAR 13 716460
This file is supplied by the support deptartment of the datafeedprovider. All file lines in the file supplied must have this structure.Other file lines are not permitted! Each of the fields must be filledand the field length must be filled with blank characters if the entrydoes not fill the field entirely. Tabs are not permitted. The datafeedprovider is responsible for the correct structure of this file. Youshould contact the datafeed provider first if you have problems relatingto this report.