SAP Program RFTBCO_TRANS_DE_FIXING - Tool for Converting Corresp. Cust. for Derivatives (Int.Rate Adj.Only)

Conversion Tool for Correspondence Customizing for Interest RateAdjustment Activities in the Derivatives Area (Product Categories 610,620 and 630)

The report program supports the conversion of the Customizing settingsfor correspondence in the Derivatives area. With Release CFM 1.0, theinterest rate adjustment function has been converted. Activitycategories 61, 62, 71 and 72 have been replaced by the new activitycategory 70. This means that a distinction is no longer made betweenreceivables, commitments and expiration.
You only need to adjust your Customizing settings if you want to usecorrespondence for interest rate adjustments. If you are not surewhether you need carry out the conversion, you can first run checkreport RFTBCO_CHECK00 for Derivatives here. Thisreport checks activity categories 61, 62, 71 and 72 in Customizing foreach company code.

There are no automatic conversions. This report is simply intended as aprocessing or evaluation aid. Using the CUSTOMIZING pushbutton, you cango to a maintenance view, which has a similar structure to Customizingactivity "Define Correspondence Activities", but differs in thefollowing aspects:

  • It includes cross-company code processing options

  • It is restricted to interest rate adjustment activities for derivatives

  • It has additional printer settings, i.e. 'Maintain Printer Settings'
  • Note the following processing hints:
    Note 1:
    If your Customizing settings include all combinations of product typeand transaction type (for example, product category 630 [=SWAP] hasactivity categories 61 and 71; according to table AT02 no othercombinations are available), you can replace these two Customizingentries with a single entry for activity category '70'.
    You then have to specify common values for the new activity category'70' for example, for counterconfirmation or print output, if theoriginal entries are not identical.
    Note 2:
    If no settings have been made for interest rate adjustments percombination of product type and transaction type, there is no need toconvert your Customizing settings.
    Note 3:
    For all other cases, which neither correspond to note 1 nor 2 (forexample, a Customizing entry exists for activity 'expiration', but notfor 'Interest payable'), you have to decide whether you wantcorrespondence to be generated in general or not. In other words, youdecide whether you want to include an entry in the Customizing tablefor activity category '70'. Note that by doing this, you are changingthe functional scope. After making the change, the control settings viaCustomizing are less detailed than before. Although the case describedhere is technically possible, it is unlikely that it would make sensein practice.
    Note 4:
    If up to now you faxed the correspondence for interest rate adjustmentsand use the (old) communication interface SAPcomm, you must enter theoutput device for the new entries with activity category '70' inCustomizing for the Derivatives area by choosing 'Define Fax Options'.You can add the field FDDEST (= fax output device) to the list ofreport program RFTBCO_TRANS_DE_FIXING for control purposes.