SAP Program RFTBCO_ADJUST_SSTATUS - Set SSTATUS Field in Old Data Records of Table VTBKORES

Adjustment of 'status-relevant' flag

When you upgrade your system from a release < 4.5A to 4.6A or 4.6B,errors may occur in certain circumstances when you generatecounterconfirmations, since correspondence data records, which arerelevant for correspondence, were flagged (SSTATUS field in tableVTBKORES) as of Release 4.5B. If transactions do not have this flag(which is the cases for older transactions), the counterconfirmation isnot accepted.
This report program provides conversion help, but only for relativelysimple cases. Data for business transactions, which cannot be converteduniquely, appears in the error log, where it can be analyzed in detail.