SAP Program RFTBCO20_MONITOR - Correspondence Monitor

Correspondence Monitor

The correspondence monitor is used to monitor all correspondenceactivities in the Money Market, Foreign Exchange, Derivatives andSecurities areas.
Whereas all other activities in the system depend on the financialtransaction (that is, you need to know the transaction number), youhave the option here, for example, of selecting all the correspondencegenerated on a certain date between time 1 and time 2 that has not yetbeen counterconfirmed.
In addition, you can tailor the list output to suit your requirementsand store the display variants. This enables you to define an overduelist, for example.
In contrast to the correspondence overview (report RFTBC020), thecorrespondence monitor focuses on the processing functions using thelist as a basis.

From the basic list, you can display the financial transactions or thecorrespondence. You can also define your own variants and structure thelayout of the list to suit your requirements.
There are a number of monitoring options in the correspondence monitorthat are connected to the UPDATE function. In the standard systemdelivered by SAP, a red LED tells you that a counterconfirmation isstill open. You can also mark a transaction as 'matched' orcounterconfirmed from the correspondence monitor. This means that eventransactions that do not have their own counterconfirmation function(for example, interest derivatives) can be managed with acounterconfirmation status after you have matched the transactionsmanually.
The correspondence monitor offers an enhancement option (user exitRFTBCOMO), which enables you to define the status icons that match yourcriteria. For example: You can specify that open counterconfirmationsfor transactions with business partner A turn 'red' after half an hour,whereas open counterconfirmations for internal business partner B onlyturn red once 24 hours have elapsed. (This enhancement requiresprogramming knowledge in ABAP).
From the correspondence monitor, you can generate correspondencemanually on the basis of existing planned records or you can regeneratecorrespondence to repeat correspondence cases. You can only actuallyrepeat correspondence using the optical archiving function. You cannotoutput or repeat correspondence from the monitor for SWIFT files.
Note that correspondence should generally be executed in the backgroundusing the correspondence report RFTBCO00 or directly when thetransaction is saved.
You can delete correspondence planned records from the correspondencemonitor. Depending on how your company is set up, this can be usefulfor the treasury department, for example, if a trader is not authorizedto delete planned records and makes changes to the transaction that arenot relevant for correspondence in that they do not require a newconfirmation. Using the monitor, therefore, you can delete the relatedplanned record(s) in the back office. The authorization check examinesthe function '04' for correspondence (TRFCT) and activity '06' fordeletion (ACTVT) [authorization object T_DEAL_PD].
The system logs any deletions or related status changes in the changedocuments for the transaction.
You can reset any counterconfirmations that have been incorrectlyassigned from the correspondence monitor. This function is alsoprotected by a special authorization check (authorization objectT_DEAL_PD; function '04' for correspondence, activity '85' forreversal). The system also uses change documents here to log anychanges. For revision purposes, you can use transactionTBZ12 to evaluate any counterconfirmations that were reset.
This function generates the INPUTERROROCCURED error event for incomingconfirmations that were received and assigned per IDoc. This event isprocessed again via the workflow. The underlying IDoc receives a newstatus record with the value '51'.

Selection tip:
If you want to select either planned records only, no planned recordsor actual records only, use the 'Execution date' selection field. Use'=' or 'not equal to' on the initial execution date.