SAP Program RFTBCM10 - Proposal List for Netting

This report generates a list of transactions which fulfil the selectioncriteria you entered.
If two or more transactions meet the same criteria, such as companycode, partner, due date and payment method, then they can be flaggedand netted directly by choosing Netting -> Save.
To call up a list of netted flows with the resulting net amounts, firstflag the transactions and then choose Netting -> Create.
You can also select other transactions which

  • have already been netted.

  • have postable flows but where the flag 'generate payment requests' has
  • not yet been set.
    • have postable flows where the flag 'individual payment necessary' has
    • been set.
      • have incomplete payment data.

      • For transactions which have already been netted, you can edit ordisplay the netting transaction directly by positioning the cursor on anetting number and choosing Netting -> Change/Display/Reverse.
        You can also branch from this list to edit the relevant transactsion,for instance to change the flags mentioned above or to add/changepayment data. Position the cursor on a transaction number and chooseGoto -> Transaction -> Change.

        The system only takes account of transactions with postable flows asonly they can be netted.