Program | Text |
RFTBCH01 | Money Market Report for Swiss Regulatory Reporting (RFTBCH01) |
RFTBCI01 | Money Market/Forex/OTC Options: Compare Incoming Confirmations |
RFTBCM00 | Enter Netting Manually |
RFTBCM10 | Proposal List for Netting |
RFTBCM20 | Collective Processing: References |
RFTBCMGT00 | Transfer Cash Management Cash Flows to Risk Management |
RFTBCO00 | Create Correspondence on Basis of Planned Records |
RFTBCO04 | Correspondence: Upgrade Report for Money Market, Forex, Derivatives |
RFTBCO10 | Overdue List for Counterconfirmations |
RFTBCO20 | Correspondence Overview |
RFTBCO20_MONITOR | Correspondence Monitor |
RFTBCO31 | Create Correspondence Planned Record |
RFTBCO32 | Maintain Printer Override Function |
RFTBCOEX | Routines to Call up Customer Exits for Confirmations (not SWIFT) |
RFTBCOMO | Routines to Call Up Customer Exists for the Correspondence Monitor |
RFTBCOSI | Standing Instructions: Mass Processing Functions |
RFTBCOSI2 | Standing Instructions for Correspondence: Copy Function |
RFTBCOSI2_DEL | Standing Instructions for Correspondence: Delete Function |
RFTBCOSI3 | Standing Instructions for Transaction Authorizations: Copy Function |
RFTBCOSI3_DEL | Standing Instructions for Transaction Authorizations: Delete Function |
RFTBCOSI4 | Standing Instructions for Derived Flows: Copy Function |
RFTBCOSI4_DEL | Standing Instructions for Derived Flows: Delete Function |
RFTBCOSI_COPY | Standing Instructions for Correspondence (Mass Copy Function) |
RFTBCO_ADJUST_SSTATUS | Set SSTATUS Field in Old Data Records of Table VTBKORES |
RFTBCO_CHECK00 | CFM: Check for Correspondence Settings |
RFTBCO_CHECK01 | Standing Instructions for Correspondence: Check Report |
RFTBCO_CHECK02 | Revision Program: Evaluation of Counterconfirmations that were Reset |
RFTBCO_COMPARE_TEXT | Client Comparison of Texts (Cross-System) |
RFTBCO_DEL | Delete Correspondence Planned Records |
RFTBCO_IDOC01 | Monitor IDoc Confirmations |
RFTBCO_IDOC02 | Confirmation IDoc FTRCON: Exception Processing |
RFTBCO_IDOC03 | Inbound IDoc FTRCON: Post-Run Update |
RFTBCO_TEXT_TRANS | Transport Standard Texts to CFM Correspondence |
RFTBCO_TRANS_DE_FIXING | Tool for Converting Corresp. Cust. for Derivatives (Int.Rate Adj.Only) |
RFTBCO_TRANS_SE | Conversion Program for Correspondence Customizing for Securities |
RFTBCO_VTBKORES_CHECK | Check for VTBKORES Inconsistencies |
RFTBDE00 | Treasury: Generate a Description for Transactions |
RFTBDF00 | Datafeed: Display Market Data |
RFTBDF01 | Datafeed: Fill conversion tables automatically |
RFTBDF02 | Datafeed: User Log Display |
RFTBDF03 | Datafeed: Transfer Master Data to Generate Translation Table |
RFTBDF04 | Datafeed: Request Historical Market Data |
RFTBDF05 | Datafeed: Import Security ID Numbers |
RFTBDF06 | Datafeed: Import External Market Data in Datafeed Notation |
RFTBDF07 | Datafeed: Request Current Market Data |
RFTBDF08 | Datafeed: Test Program for Datafeed Customizing |
RFTBDF09 | Datafeed: Archiving: Transfer User Log to Log File Archive |
RFTBDF10 | Datafeed: Archiving: Read log file archive |
RFTBDF11 | Datafeed: Archiving: Delete Program User Log Table VTBDFLG |
RFTBDF12 | Datafeed: Archiving: Reload a Log File Archive |
RFTBDF13 | Datafeed: Asynchonous RFC: Spool Printout |
RFTBDF14 | Datafeed: Initialize Real-Time Market Data Transfer Externally |
RFTBDF15 | Datafeed: Real-Time monitor |
RFTBDF16 | Datafeed: Deletion of temporary table VTB_MARKET_T for workflow |
RFTBDF18 | Datafeed: Report issue for datafeed workflow |
RFTBDF19 | Datafeed: Output Of Technical Errors In Workflow DATAFEED |
RFTBDF20 | Datafeed: Deletion Of Technical Errors In Workflow DATAFEED |
RFTBEL01 | Overview of Limit Utilizations (Totals Records) |
RFTBEUR00 | Conversion of Transaction Currency FX/MM/DE |
RFTBFF00 | File interface: Import market data |
RFTBFF01 | File Interface: Generate Request List |
RFTBFF03 | File Interface: Automatic Filling of Conversion Tables |
RFTBFF20 | File Interface: Import Statistics Data |
RFTBFF30 | BTCI: Import DTB Derivative Prices |
RFTBFL02 | Treasury: Payment Schedule |
RFTBFL03 | Maturity Schedule OTC Options |
RFTBIL01 | Overview of Limit Utilizations (Single Records) |
RFTBILUP | RFTBILUP: Insert Key for Interim Limit in the Database |
RFTBJL00 | Treasury: Journal of Financial Transactions |
RFTBJL02 | OTC Options: Collective Processing |
RFTBJL02_NEW | OTC Options: Collective Processing |
RFTBJL03 | OTC Interest Rate Instruments: Collective Processing |
RFTBJL04 | Collective Monitoring of Options: Expiry / Knock-In / Knock-Out |
RFTBJL10 | Treasury: Summary Journal for MM, Forex, Derivatives and Securities |
RFTBJL99 | Display Transactions |
RFTBKXP02 | Credit Limit: XPRA for Conversion of Table KLEVC |
RFTBKXP03 | Credit Limit: XPRA for Conversion of Table KLRRDEF |
RFTBKXP04 | Credit Limit: XPRA for Conversion of Table KLRATINGRRFZU |
RFTBKXP05 | Migration of Valuation Factor Determination |
RFTBKXP06 | Migration of Determination Procedure |
RFTBKXP07 | Migration of Default Risk Rule |
RFTBKXP09 | Credit Limit: Currency Conversion for Collateral Provision |
RFTBLAC0 | Sets/Checks Blocks for RFTBLAC1 |
RFTBLAC1 | Activates Table or Structure |
RFTBLBI1 | Batch Input Report for Creating Limits |
RFTBLC01 | Program HBTEST |
RFTBLCHR | Limit Management: Change Person Responsible |
RFTBLD01 | Treasury: Delete Limit Utilizations |
RFTBLD02 | Treasury: Delete Data for a Limit Type |
RFTBLD03 | Delete Limits |
RFTBLDATECORR | Adjust Start Date for Limit |
RFTBLE01 | Overview of Utilizations - Selection Using Direct Characteristics |
RFTBLE02 | Overview of Utilizations - Selection Using all Characteristics |
RFTBLE02_GRID | Limit Management: Overview of Utilizations |
RFTBLE03 | Limit Management: Flow List |
RFTBLENQ | Overview: Limit Management Lock Entries |
RFTBLEX1 | Export Limits and Interim Limits to Local File |
RFTBLGRP | Limit Utilizations: Group Overview |