SAP Program RFSCM_BUPA_ACT_EN - Active Enrolment: Offer Customer Use of SAP Biller Direct

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You can use this report to create correspondence for a selected group ofcustomers, for example, to offer the use of SAP Biller Direct.


  • You have defined printer settings.

  • You have defined an e-mail address in the master data of the required
  • business partners.


    • You can create the correspondence using a Smart Form and send it as a
    • letter.
      SAP provides the Smart Form FSCM_BD_ACT_ENR for this purpose.However,you can also create and use your own Smart Forms.
      • You can send the correspondence to the required customers by e-mail.
      • Output

        • The letters to the business partners are output in a spool request.

        • The e-mails are sent to the e-mail addresses that you have defined in
        • the master data of the business partners.
          • The report issues a list of all business partners for whom no e-mail
          • address is defined in the master data.
            • The report issues a list of all business partners that use the service
            • SAP Biller Direct.

              To make the settings for the required printer, in the SAP EasyAccessmenu choose User Profile -> Own Data -> Defaults. Enter a virtualprinter if you do not want to print the letter. This setting is alsoused for the spool output.
              To send customer notifications:
              Select the required business partners.
              Select an output type and an output option.
              Execute the report.
              For information about how to create your own form for the customerletter, see the SAP Library under the Internet, SAPNetWeaver -> SAP Web Application Server. Enter the release and thelanguage and choose SAP NetWeaver Components -> SAP Web Application Serv
              er -> Basis Services/Communication Interfaces -> SAP Smart Forms.

              To create a letter:
              In the field Customer Form, enter the technical name of thecustomerform (Smart Form).
              Select the button Issue Letter.
              Execute the report.