SAP Program RFSBP_CONV_ZGP_FRG1 - Conversion of Release Status Parameter Values

You can use this report to convert the release parameters for theRelease Object CBP (SAP Business Partner).

The reason for the conversion is the changed role concept for the SAPBusiness Partner. You will find more information on the change to therole concept in the release note BusinessPartner Role (Extended).

You have run the report RFSBP_CONV_TPZ6_TB003 (Conversion of RoleType and Role Type Description) successfully, or carried out manualchanges to the same effect in Customizing for the SAP Business Partnerroles.

During the conversion, the role category entry for the fieldparameter value release status (SSPARAM1) and the role type
entry for the field parameter value release status (SSPARAM2)are converted to the entry role for the field parameter valuerelease status (SSPARAM1).
The system responds in the following way:
It reads all the entries for the release object CBP (SAP BusinessPartner) in the table TZFSP (release status parameter).
From all the entries found in the table, the system selects those forconversion where the field parameter value release status (SSPARAM2)
is filled with the value for a role type.
The system transfers the entries that were found for the rolecategory and role type to the field parameter valuerelease status (SSPARAM1) for the new BP role.
If you execute the report in the Customizing client, the system writesthe new table entries, or those entries for deletion, to a Customizingtransport request. This enables the changes to be distributed across thesystem landscape.
After executing the report, you will find the changed entries inCustomizing for the SAP Business Partner for Financial Servicesin the IMG activity Maintain and Activate Release Parameters, bychoosing Settings for Financial Services -> Tools -> Release.



  • Test run

  • You can use the test run to check whether it is necessary to convert therelease parameters. The test log indicates whether it is necessary toconvert the tables.

    A log is output that displays the values to be converted, and the resultof the conversion.