SAP Program RFSBP_CONV_TPZ6_TB003 - Conversion of Role Type and Role Type Description

In Sample Customizing for the SAP Business Partner for FinancialServices for release SAP ECC 5.00 Financial Services (EA-FS 500)
, the role type for the business partner from the previous releasehas been replaced by the new role concept for the SAP Business Partner.
With this report, you can convert the business partnerrole type and its description to the business partner role in thechanged role concept. Entries from the table TPZ6 (BP: Businesspartner - role type) and the corresponding descriptions from thetable TPZ6T (BP: Business partner - description of role type) areconverted to the tables TB003 (BP roles) and TB003T (BProles: Texts) respectively.
The report is optional.
You must execute this report in conjunction with the reportRFSBP_CONV_ZGP_FRG1 (conversion of release status parameter values)

The reason for the conversion is the changed role concept for the SAPBusiness Partner. You will find more information on the change to therole concept in the release note BusinessPartner Role (Extended).
You can process the business partner roles that were created in tableTB003 in Customizing for the SAP Business Partner forFinancial Services by choosing General Settings -> BusinessPartner -> Basic Settings -> Business Partner Roles in the IMGactivity Define BP Roles.

The XPRA BUPXPRA17 (SAP BP: Conversion of role and role grouping toBP roles/role categories) was successfully carried out during theupgrade. This XPRA creates the necessary conditions for converting therole type, such as the existence of the corresponding role category inthe table TB003A.


  • Test run: A simulation run is started, which creates no entries on the
  • database.
    • Role category: The system uses the role category stated here for the
    • conversion if it cannot determine a corresponding role category.

      A log is output for the entries that were created.

812281BP_TR2: BP conversion status for TB003 is not converted