SAP Program RFRERAITM_MINI - MiniApp: Tenant Open Items

MiniApp: Tenant With Open Items

This report forms the basis of a MiniApp to display tenants with openitems.


You select the items for display either by entering a Real Estateobject/lease-out or a customer/partner. You would generally only selectpayable items.
Further selection criteria:

  • Only open items from key date: Only open items are selected
  • where the posting date is after the specified date.
    • Only open items: All open items are displayed regardless of the
    • date specified.

      The basic settings display the total balance of all open items for eachcustomer. All open items that reference a lease-out and all unqualifieddown payments are taken into account.
      The customers are listed in the order of the balance amount.
      You have the following output options:

      • Display only top N: Only the top N customers with the highest
      • balance are displayed. You specify the value for N in the selectionscreen. If there are more customers with the same balance as the Nthcustomer in the list, these are also displayed in the output. In thiscase, the number of customers displayed is greater than the specifiedvalue N.
        Example: You wish to display the top 3 of the following list:
        Customer 1 100 USD
        Customer 2 80 USD
        Customer 3 75 USD
        Customer 4 75 USD
        Customer 5 60 USD
        Since customer 4 has the same balance as customer 3, the first fourentries are displayed in the list.
        • Display only total amount: The total balance amounts for each
        • company code are displayed.
          • Display all entries: The balance of all selected customers is
          • displayed.
            • Do not aggregate items: The items for each document and for each
            • due date are aggregated; in other words all items of a document withthe same due date are grouped as one entry in the list. The text forthe entry is derived from the document header. This setting is notsuitable for a MiniApp because of the large amount of data displayed.