SAP Program RFREISMMCAP - Information System: Statement of Reserve Fund

The report shows the flows on the bank accounts of mandates.
The report gets the G/L accounts for all house bank accounts that areentered in the mandate master record, and selects the documents postedto these accounts based on the selection criteria you enter.
The items are grouped based on the following criteria:

  • Total of items before the start of the settlement period: Starting
  • balance. The flow type is indicated with the letters AAAA.
    • Total of items in the settlement period: Posted amount for each flow
    • type and fiscal year
      • Total of all items: Final balance. The flow type is indicated with the
      • letters ZZZZ.

        You have created a COA mandate master record and assigned house bankaccounts. The mandate is active (company code exists).
        The flows are totaled according to flow types. Since documents that werenot posted from RE generally do not contain flow types, you have theoption of assigning flow types during the transfer of the electronicbank statement.
        During the transfer of the electronic bank statement, posting documentsare transferred into the system with the business transaction code. Tobe able to analyze the reserves and investment accounts in detail, it isnecessary for you to assign flow types to the individual businesstransaction codes that are copied into the document during posting. Theevaluation of the posting documents based on inflows and outflows,interest, interest income tax, reunification tax, and so on, can thentake place on the basis of the assigned flow types. In Customizing inthe IMG activity COA Mandate: Assign Flow Typesfor Bank Statement, you can make the necessary settings for postingrules.
        You can overwrite the logic of the list structure using a BAdI:BADI_REEX_FI_MM_CAPITAL.


1452934Statement of reserve fund - BAdI enhancement