SAP Program RFREEX_ACE_POST_2_ACC_TRANSFER - Transfer of Accrual Engine Documents to Accounting

This program is used to transfer Accrual Engine documents to Accounting.

It is not normally necessary to transfer documents manually because theAccrual Engine documents created are transferred to Accountingautomatically when accruals are posted.
However, depending on the settings in Customizing, or if an error occursduring the automatic transfer to Accounting, it may be the case that noAccounting documents are created when you post the Accrual Enginedocuments.
See the following explanation.
In this case you have to transfer the Accrual Engine documents toAccounting manually. Before starting this transfer, you have to removethe cause of any errors.

Accrual Engine documents are posted to Accounting only if they wereposted at a key date in a fiscal year that is open for accrual postings.Fiscal years can be opened for accrual postings inCustomizing for the Accrual Engine.