SAP Program RFREEXACCTSTMTGENTEXTFILE - Real Estate - Create Test Files: MULTICASH or DTAUS Format

Generate data files for electronic account statement transfer (for testpurposes).

For more information, see also program documentationRFVIMULTI01.
This program should ONLY be used in test systems!

First execute program RFVIMULTI01 to generate test data (you canmanipulate data for testing using the view maintenance).

In the selection screen of program RFVIMULTI02, make the followingsettings:

  • Required file format: Select the file format required.

  • File specs: Specify if the files to be generated are to be stored on the
  • application server or presentation server (PC). Enter the name and pathof the files.
    If you choose DTAUS format, you should only enter the statement filehere.
    • Account details: Enter the company code, house bank and house account
    • for which the statement is to be generated.
      • Statement data: Enter the statement number. The number is displayed in
      • the output list of program RFVIMULTI01.

        Program Output
        Once the test file(s) has been generated, the program displays a listcontaining an overview.

        • Generated files: Contains information about what files have been
        • generated.
          • Account information: Displays information about company code, house bank
          • account and currency for which the statement files have been generated.
            • Statement information: Details such as statement number and date,
            • opening and closing balance, sales and number of sales are displayed.Details about the opening and closing balance is not available for DTAUSformat.

              Use program RFEBKA00 for further processing of the files (read inaccount statement) or use the menu path: Accounting -> Real EstateManagement -> Rental Accounting: Incoming Payment -> Account StatementEntry (MULTICASH format) or Country Specifics -> Incoming Payments ->Bank Procedure (DTAUS format).