SAP Program RFPNLS00 - Prenotification: List of Prenotification Files

This program lists the created prenotification files.
Lines from prenotification files which contain bank data marked asincorrect are highlighted in a different color. You can correctincorrect bank data using the display functions listed below. When allerrors have been flagged as corrected, the program displays the'completed' indicator in the first column.
You can use the following functions after placing the cursor on one ofthe lines in the list.
Display all records of the prenotification file.
Display the records with incorrect bank data.
Display the new records for which a prenotification file has not yetbeen created.
Delete the prenotification file. The system may not delete all therecords if you do not have sufficient authorization.
Note that the prenotification file should only be deleted after thebank data has been confirmed by the house bank as being correct or theincorrect bank data has been corrected.
You can find more information in theprenotification overview.