SAP Program RFMXPR50 - FIFM: XPRA Reconciliation of KBLP, KBLESUM

With the redesign of earmarked funds, totals records are now updated ina separate table totals table KBLE (KBLESUM). To enable thisfunction for existing data also, corresponding totals records must begenerated from data that already exists.

The XPRA calculates the total records of earmarked funds from thecurrent entries of tables Document Item Development: Manual DocumentEntry (KBLE) and Item Development Amounts in Different Currencies
(KBLEW). This updates the result in the totals table KBLE(KBLESUM). The new fields from table Document Item: Manual DocumentEntry (KBLP) are also calculated and updated in the correspondingfields of table KBLP.


The current status of the conversion is issued in a log.