SAP Program RFMXPR35_470 - FM: Convert Commitment Items (One-Level Model)

FM: Convert commitment items ( one-level model )

XPRA for Upgrade to 4.61A IS-PS:

  • The program coverts commitment item data in tables FMPP, FMPPT, FMPG
  • and FMHIPG to tables FMCI, FMCIT and FMHICI.
    • The Customizing entries for commitment item variants are converted from
    • tables FMVARNT and FMVARNTT to tables FMCIVARNT and FMCIVARNTT.
      The only commitment items that are converted are those in the standardvariant "000".
      • The long text of the commitment items in tables STXH, STXL and STXB are
      • converted.
        • The classification data of table KSSK, AUSP and INOB are converted. The
        • Customizing entries for the classification in tables TCLA, TCLT, TCLTT,TCLO, TCLAO, TCLAX, and TCLR are adjusted.
          • The program processes all FM areas in all clients.

          • You can execute the program as often as you wish.

          • The program generates a log with the standard log interface and issues
          • a success message for each client.