SAP Program RFMXPR22 - FIFM: Convert CO Funds Reservations to Funds Reservations

This XPRA converts CO funds reservations into new funds, higherperformance funds reservations. Only two errors may to occur, causingthe program to output warning messages - missing company codes orexchange rates not maintained.
If documents exists whose company codes have been deleted in themeantime, the system displays a warning message the program does notconvert the documents. You must decide later whether to delete thedocuments or to set up the company code again.
Documents in foreign currency (where the document currency is not thesame as the local currency for the company code) may trigger warningmessages if the exchange rate for the two currencies cannot bedetermined (for example, because it has not been maintained). Theprogram skips such documents. You may need to start the program againafter you have maintained the exchange rate.

808790ERP 2004: Optimization of XPRAS_UPG upgrade phase
816057Runtime XPRA RFMXPR22